Property Datasets and Insights
With datasets spanning from 1842 to the present day, CLSQ delivers the most comprehensive property insights in the market, providing immediate information on a property to help support day one decisions, greater operational efficiency and an enhanced customer experience.
There are a number of factors that could impact the saleability of land and property, such as planning applications, environmental risk and title considerations alike. Access to high-quality geospatial data is critical to making accurate, risk mitigating decisions. The ability to access this data instantly, through a single API, empowers businesses to improve efficiency and deliver a better customer experience.
Policies Available
The Benefits
- Property attributes to planning applications, new build plot identification to property specific title and peril due diligence.
- Trusted Restful API and WMS feeds provide market-leading coverage for residential and commercial property.
- Provides clarity and certainty within a fraction of a second to leading organisations operating within the UK’s financial and property sectors.
- CLSQ’s data and solutions currently enable over 25% of all loan originations annually in UK, providing consistent, accurate data and insights across the property lifecycle.
NPS Score
Trusted to deliver a ‘world class’ service. CLSPI's service rating from legal professionals in 2023
Services List
Live alerting
- Notification of new Planning within proximity of subject property
- Notification of new Building Control within proximity of subject property
- Notification of Council Tax changes to subject property
- Notification of title charges to subject property
- Identification of EPC changes to subject property
- Planning Applications
- Building Control Applications
- Building Control Contraventions
- Planning Appeals
- Built environment Conservation Areas
- Local Development plans
- Environmental Conservation Areas
- National Parks & Greens
- Archaeological Site information
- Georectified Newbuild Plans
- Vectorised Newbuild Plots
- Newbuild Development Postcodes
- Newbuild Development Desirability Scoring
- Newbuild anticipated EPC
- Article 4 Areas
- Historical Battlefields
- HMO Registers
- Scheduled Monuments
- Green Belts
- Word Heritage Sites
- Area Demographics
- Agricultural Land Grass Grade
- Countryside Rights of way Access / Section 15 and Section 4 registered common land
- Bridle Paths & Walkways
- Flood Risk – Environment Agency & SEPA
- Flood Risk Current & Climate Change Models - JBA
- Flood Risk – Twinn
- Proximity to water features
- Flood Zones
- Historical Flood Incidents
- Environmentally Sensitive Sites
- Sites of Specific Scientific Interest
- Industrial Sites
- End of Life Vehicle sites
- Fuel Stations
- Subsidence
- Radon Potential
- Bedrock Geology
- Cheshire Brine Areas
- Coal Mining Areas
- Coastal Erosion
- Metallic Mineral Deposits
- Air Pollution
- Proximity to Historical Quarries & Collieries
- Pollution Incidents
- Waste Sites / Oil Sites
- Current and Historic landfill sites
- Proximity Part 2A Sites
- County Series Historic Mapping: 6” and 25” to the mile between 1842 – 1940’s
- National Grid Historic Mapping: 1:1,250 and 1:2,500 between 1950-1999
- Historical Town Plans 1890-1910
- Historical Air photographs
Property Specific
- Property Age
- Property Style & Build Form
- Property Wall Material
- Building Height & Floor Count
- Comparative Plot to Property Ratio
- Bedrooms
- Bathrooms
- Gardens / Building Extents
- Parking Arrangements
- Property Listed Status
- Conservatories / Extensions
- Outbuildings & Annexes
- Historical Sales Listings
- Historical Internal Photos
- Basements
- Septic Tanks
- Mains Utilities
- Emissions/CO2 per sqm
- Solar Panels
- Multiple Kitchens
- EPC (Scotland England & Wales)
- Modelled EPC (Residential Scotland England & Wales)
- Live EPC (Real-time access England & Wales)
- HMLR Price Paid
- Wine Cellars & Other High value installations
- Lifts
- Live Council Tax rating
- Property Floorspace
Quiet Enjoyment
- Proximity to Commercial & Classifications of Commercial
- Proximity to Pylons, Masts
- Proximity to Chemical handling / Oil handling
- Proximity to Prisons
- Proximity to Gas Handling
- Proximity to Hospitals
- Proximity to London Underground
- Access via Private Roads
- Proximity to Local Distribution Substations
- Bus stops and Routes
- Live broadband, Mobile & Network Speed
- Proximity to National Grid Energy Infrastructure & Transmission Lines
- Proximity to Quarries
- Proximity to Petrol Stations
- Proximity to Renewable Energy sites as built or planned
- Proximity to EV Charging Points
- Proximity to green spaces
- Impact of Noise pollution from road, rail and air
- National Tree Map
- Rail Stations & Line Proximity
- Proximity to School & related Ofsted rating
- Points of Interest (wide variety available)
- Drive Times
- Crime Statistics
- Road Safety Statistics
- Local Authority Administrative Boundaries
- Police/Fire Boundaries
- DNO Areas
- Water suppliers
- Clean Air Zone areas / Low Emission zones
- Proximity to HS2
- Proximity to Sewage Processing
Title Information
- Lenders Title Charges
- Concentration Risk Analysis
- Title Number Inquiry
- Registered Leases
- Due Diligence Assistance (DDA)
- Interrogate title information with confidence and currency
- Class of Title
- Ownership Verification
- Title Mismatch
- Corporate and Commercial Ownership
- Overseas Corporate and Commercial Ownership
- Title Extents
- Title Documents & Plans